Updates to Decimal Places of TRY Trading Pairs

币安网 2021-03-04 16:25:20

Fellow Binancians,Binance will make changes to the decimal places of several TRY trading pairs, as shown below:Trading PairOld Decimal PlacesNew Decimal PlacesBNB/TRY20AVAX/TRY21BUSD/TRY32ETH/TRY20DOT/TRY21LINK/TRY31At 2021-03-11 0:00 (UTC), all the decimals on the order book will be adjusted automatically under the following rules: Sell orders round upBuy orders round downHere’s an example of how the changes will take place, particularly on the AVAX/TRY pair:AVAX/TRYOldNewDecimal2 1Sell Book 100.16100.2Buy Book100.14 100.1The decimal place change will take into effect at 2021-03-11 0:00 (UTC). For all TRY traders who use Binance API trading features, please adjust your trading strategy accordingly. Risk Warning: Trading cryptocurrencies involves significant risk and can result in the loss of your capital. You should not invest more than you can afford to lose and you should ensure that you fully understand the risks involved. Before trading, please take into consideration your level of experience, purchase objectives, and seek independent financial advice if necessary. It is your responsibility to ascertain whether you are permitted to use the services of Binance based on the legal requirements in your country of residence.Thanks for your support!Binance Team2021-03-04Trade on the go with Binance’s mobile crypto trading appClick here to download for iOS or AndroidFind us on Telegram: https://t.me/binanceexchangeTwitter: https://twitter.com/binanceFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/binanceInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/binance